Edit or remove company information

Edit or remove company information – How to correct or remove company information published on merinfo.se?

The information published at Merinfo.se originates from different departements at the government, telecom carriers or other private companies. Every day Merinfo updates and/or replaces all of the data with new data from our suppliers to minimize the risk of errors. This is the reason we choose not to edit or remove any information published at Merinfo.se. Correction or the removal of public data must therefore occur at the origin of the information.

Merinfo collects company data from several sources. If the information published at Merinfo.se is incorrect the best way to correct data is to contact firstly the Swedish companies registration office.

Contact the Swedish companies registration office at telephone: 0771 – 670 670 to talk to a administrator who can tell you more about the possibilities to edit or remove information from their public register.

You can also send an email to the Swedish companies registration office at bolagsverket@bolagsverket.se

Contact form can be found here

If any of the credit information regarding your company is incorrect, firstly make sure that all of the information gathered by Enforcement Authority is correct and up to date.

If, and only at this point, all the information is correct at the Swedish companies registration office and Enforcement authority, you can contact us to create an error report. What we do is to forward the this to our supplier of information for investigating further what causing the error. It can take several days before we learn the cause of the error and can return to you with information on what caused the problem and how to solve it.

To send us this error report via mail, please use info ”at” merinfo.se. You will always get a personal answer within 24 hours if your concern or question is valid regarding the above. If you have not done the above steps first, you will not get a personal reply to your mail.